Act in conscience: 3 steps

As part of the development of his personal Magician, Mago, acting in conscience is the basis of a fulfilled individual. She is a person aware of her assets, inscribed in her present and in her environment, actor of her life and her In-lives.

Develop your vision, build your strategy, implement your communication tunnels, unite around you, cooperate and build a world bigger than yourself is possible.

For this, it is necessary to act in conscience.

The 3 Steps to Acting Consciously

The keys to our emotional intelligence lie in our ability to understand the mechanisms of our emotions in order to set up our listening system.

The 3 keys that are Listen; Spot; Transform are based on our ability to establish our model of actions, then the model of forces in which the collective can register.

Step 1- Implement the 3 keys of our listening device

Our education often takes us to look outside of us to establish a plan of action, inviting us to copy existing models without even correcting errors or adapting it to its own environment.

The 3 keys invite us to look back on ourselves, towards an inner silence to set up an observer of our thoughts and our emotions.

Step 1 for Acting in conscience invites us to create the conditions for observing our thoughts by systematically installing the 3 keys of emotional intelligence in us which are Listen, Identify, transform.

Step 2- confront our thoughts and emotions with our intentions

Step 2 for Acting Consciously allows us to challenge our thoughts and emotions by registering them in our environment, and by confronting them with our real intentions. The observation conditions installed in step 1 allow us to check that the first impulse, the emotion, is correct or out of place or even unsuited to the common objective.

Based on this inner observation, we have in hand the information necessary to transform into concrete actions what is right for us, and suitable for the pursuit of our intentions.

Step 3- Be present to act in conscience

Steps 1 and 2 allowed us to see what is right for us. Stage 3, transposed to our present moment, in our current context, allows us in this inner silence to perceive the challenges of the group and to confront them with our intentions.

This confrontation with the present, allows us to put into action in consciousness. By being an observer of our thoughts and emotions, we understand our entire eco-system.

We have become the sole judge of our actions. To act in conscience is to act with discernment.

Act in conscience and become an inspiring leader

Developing your presence, strengthening your emotional intelligence allows you to build caring relationships with others while building a responsible and sustainable ethic.

Mindfulness management or heart leadership is based on emotional intelligence. It appeals to a set of qualities that Marie Donzel sums up as follows:

Presence: the ability to be fully engaged in an activity, to focus attention on the situation and the people it involves.

Communication: ability to transmit information clearly, but also to create an environment conducive to the flow of information between stakeholders and to dialogue.

Listening: ability to hear all forms of signals emitted by the environment, individuals and groups living there, without prejudging their value.

Empathy: the ability to look at the world from another’s point of view and to integrate that perspective into the relationship and into their actions.

Confidence: ability to secure oneself and to secure others, so as to authorize and encourage daring, creativity, spirit of initiative …

Cognitive flexibility: ability to diversify one’s reaction modes according to changing conditions.

Negotiation: ability to express one’s interests and to integrate those of the other to build a concerted decision.

To act in conscience, it is to register in something bigger than oneself of which one begins to perceive the universal rules.

Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.