Ethics, Health and innovation #1

for Vrai Média Magazine 

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Ethics, Health, Innovation aims to uncover, clarify and support strategic management in understanding the ethical issues disrupting the relationship with work, such as the relationship with brands.

“There are only ethics when there is freedom”

Jacques Ruffié

Ethics: the emergence of the term social impact

The term social impact first appeared in the 1970s with a niche of investors keen to integrate an ethical dimension into their investment, thus creating socially responsible investing – SRI.

This term took off in the 1990s, at the crossroads of different cultures and professional and financial practices: SRI is developing in pension funds but also taken up by public institutions, the development of a corporate social responsibility strategy …

A movement also emerging among consumers under the leadership of Naomi Klein, a Canadian journalist, laid out the bases of an alter-globalization economy in her book No logo: the tyranny of brands.

This movement is growing with the internet and social networks, creating reasoned purchasing impulses that can have a concrete impact on the e-reputation of companies, imposing the voice of the consumer over those of lobbyists.

Ethics, Health, Innovation for True Media

Vrai Média wishes to highlight the eco-responsible companies that are active players in the responsible economy which is currently taking on its full meaning with the health crisis of the coronavirus. Everyone at home, time unfolds and everyone has time to ask themselves the question of the meaning they want to give to their life, their personal impact on the Earth, their investment and commitment to a healthier life, more harmonious in peace.

Individually, we ask ourselves the question of the usefulness of certain objects or the early renewal of certain materials, thus challenging brands and favoring short circuits.

Topic of the month: ethics and CSR

Corporate social responsibility-CSR would be the act of ethical commitment that each company takes. According to the European Union, CSR is defined as “the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental concerns into their business activities and their relations with their stakeholders”. It is therefore a free policy in which the company engages to establish its social, environmental and economic strategy.

L’Orse is the CSR observatory. In its definition, the Orse retains a proactive vision of companies based on 7 pillars: ethics, environmental, social, citizen, sustainable development, financial to establish their approach.

Each company is therefore, according to its values, its products and its customers, more or less committed to an ethical, real approach.

The notion of buying is voting engages companies in a race for the clock to generate leads and clicks enhancing the company’s e-reputation and labeling them: customers centrics!

The engaged consumer must therefore remain vigilant in understanding the stated CSR or ethics policy. For example, just adding the “good for health label” is not enough. Very often, a healthy ingredient present allows the company to ride the wave of health without having changed anything in its recipe …

Vrai Média’s favorite of the month

The application of EthicAdvisor, a start-up whose objective is to list ethical products, and to give consumers all the information necessary to make choices in accordance with their own values.

Vrai Média highlights brands committed to an ethical conception of purchasing, or to an employment reform …

Ethics, responsible purchasing, committed companies, true media

Vrai Média is a 100% social media player that you will find on Linked’In, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Actor committed to transforming recruitment and providing access to recruiters to all.

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