Company X.0: ties regulator!

In supermarkets, companies, in the ecosystems where we still find ourselves in this particular period associated with the #Covid19 crisis, the tension is rising to walk around masked.

Therefore, the company is a place where even remote links are maintained. Thus, it becomes the first regulating system of social ties. It has no choice.

Give time

During times of disruption, conflicts between co-workers are more common, especially when people face increased pressure both in the workplace and working remotely.

The distended social bond no longer leaves room for a balanced discussion. Everyone wants to be heard, to be listened to, heard. Reason is sometimes erased in the name of the individual “me, I”. Like education previously transferred to school, well-being and balance tend to be company driven.

The company must not only maintain its role as a catalyst for jobs and economic performance, but also assist its employees to deal with this situation. It becomes an arbitrator and facilitator in ecosystem management. In this sense, it must proactively identify the potential emergence of conflicts, before they can escalate and spread.

The objective of this article is a walk leading us to consider at the heart of ourselves, then in the systems that surround us, how to implement an efficient regulator to add more joy in our days.

Emotions impact the system

Remote work, daily masked work, lunches taken alone, the preponderance of digital tools, are all changes that employees must integrate.

Emotions refer some to a feeling of isolation, exclusion, or even a loss of power or identity. Others will see this as a reinforcement of their autonomy and a chance to be a source of proposals, or a ties federator. The company must integrate these emotions and manage remote employees as if they were in the office.

To do this, it must strengthen the links between teams, identify the different communication styles of the teams and anticipate which ones will have the most difficulty adapting to change.

The company must ensure that the motivation and development of its employees are strengthened and meaningful.

It becomes a regulator of the system.

Extrinsic regulator

The importance of motivation in human work follows the evolutionary needs of the individual. At this stage, we can think that everyone is looking for meaning in everything they do. The individual pushes organizations to rethink themselves, to define an ethical and committed approach, where everyone individually feels good.

Thus, the individual shares his quest for meaning, his search for well-being in the place where he spends the most time. The company becomes an extrinsic regulator, therefore the object of its quest for well-being at work

It is therefore more than a state of mind to be built in a company to reduce burnout, to act on team spirit and on the motivation of employees.

Will the company’s economic performance go through a paradigm shift?

What do you think ?

Intrinsic regulator

The intrinsic regulator is of course ourselves. It is our ability to take a step back from things and simply be.

Being allows us to enter into non-judgment. To be is to be full. There is no expectation from others, I motivate myself and take pleasure in what I do, in the present moment. The actions of others are an opportunity to see something else. An invitation, an ode to joy.

Ode to Joy fits naturally into a Zen Walk, a return to oneself. The objective of this walk that I share with you here, is that by working each one 5 minutes his presence with oneself every day, it is our capacity of non-judgment which develops. Our capacity to be, to accept ourselves in our entirety; it’s a guarantee of harmony… By being centered in oneself, each person detaches himself from the “hurting view of the other” and better understands the emotion thus provoked by the other. By understanding the source of the emotion, our ability to decode others takes place. Our self-understanding develops. And so, by resonance effect, the understanding of others… The intrinsic regulator is set up. Try !

Ode to joy, Being present to oneself
Ode to joy, non judgment

Ode to joy is an invitation to breathe, to gently reconnect with you. Promenade zen is a Mago tool – your individual Trans’Formations