e-training: the learning challenge!

e-training: digital training. E-learning faces a double challenge: that of remote presence and solitary learning!

What skills develop using technology in and out of the workplace?

Digital is accessible anywhere, anytime, anywhere. Gamification certainly makes it possible to award badges and trophies to encourage the learner to unfold the learning sequences and offer a set of validation of MCQ type knowledge. It calls into question the very notion of presence.

Data, content, processes are fixed and impose a way of seeing, whereas in face-to-face, the learner, by his presence can set the pace and opens up to questioning.

Contactless, remote presence raise questions about the ability to transmit for:


  • Anchoring
  • Public speaking
  • Trust
  • Focus
  • Links

Support the learner to

  • Unlearn
  • Confront the state of the art
  • To question ourselves
  • Find ourselves
  • Accept confrontation

The question of this type of learning and the associated digital presence remains for me still an enigma, which this article lays the foundations.

The digital framework in e-learning

If learning is to appropriate knowledge, how does digital technology, beyond access to knowledge, promote the work of appropriation? If learning is experimenting, what experiences does digital enable?

Presence and digital presence: definition

Made for someone or something to be physically and materially in a specific place. Remote presence is a virtualization of space in which relational dynamics are mediated within a digital space.

In 2017, I made the choice to set up a virtual campus as part of a partnership with iObeya.

Since then, the number of companies offering virtual walls such as klaxoon, Mura, iObeya, Remo, has multiplied, thus offering support for collective entertainment.

The relational dynamic, using these virtual supports, is animated with a view to bringing the learners to work together and to recreate situations aimed at promoting collective work. With the help of these virtual walls, the digital framework and presence come to life, thus proposing to remotely simulate the conditions for optimum learning based on the committed presence of everyone. Associated with this virtual dynamic, e-training has the :

Indisputable contributions

  • Straight forward
  • Available in real time
  • Multi-media: virtual walls, games, videos, gamification, short texts, MCQ…

Controversial contributions

  • Playful
  • In full autonomy
  • Supervised interactions

In terms of virtual presence and presence to the other, Olivier Zattoni thus raises the subject: the register of interactions by screen today raises the question of a body in hybridization with the sociotechnical environments which constitute its entourage and invite everyone, in an augmented reality, to accentuate their logic of contact to gain visibility and participate…

How to get out of the superficial? Encourage a taste for effort? Are we forming clones? Are we encouraging standardization? If learning is interacting with one or more, how do e-learnings promote this interaction?

Digital transformation

Digital transformation is a different way of producing value, interacting with the outside world and deploying projects using digital levers to lift the limits of innovation.

The organization in silo, the control, the partitioning conferred by bureaucratic type organizations, are based on the same “standardized” intervention patterns, homogeneity in behavior. Would e-training have become a way of shaping the style and engaging the learner in a single thought?

Thank you to Marc Chapuis, trainer and management consultant, for his help in writing this article

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