On the road to self-determination

Motivation refers to the energies invested to initiate and regulate one’s own behavior.

Self-determination is the form each of us aspires to. This is the phase where the individual is an actor in his life.

Motivations - Echelle d'autodétermination

Principle of self-determination

Self-determination is the moment when the individual is in his flow, Flow. His skills, his intentions, his energy are aligned. He is free to choose, committed and present to the situation.

In business, these different levels are used to determine the skill levels as shown in the diagram below.

Amotivation is the absence of regulation: a form of apathy, the absence of envy.

By identifying in his behavior our limiting factors, our saboteur, we enter on the road to self-determination. It is an invitation to build a new world, to explore in business.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation corresponds to a high degree of self-determination, as it involves behaviors that are expressed freely and for pleasure.

On the other hand, self-determination is quite reduced to the level of extrinsic motivation by external regulation, since external pressures are directly at the basis of behavior.

The saboteur is in a phase of deep amotivation. His self-determination is disrupted and he then searches outside for what he no longer finds in himself. Dissatisfied with himself and others, he sabotages and scuttles himself.

When we observe a cyclothymic, the latter brilliant goes from an enthusiastic phase to a depressive phase. Embarking with him in his descending phase as in his ascending phase others. The depressive phase, if it sets in, no longer allows the individual to create his intrinsic motivation. He then looks for his own motivation in others, which he cannot find. Because he has already tried everything, the contribution of others has therefore become useless.

In management 3.0, moving-motivators are a set of cards that allow you to easily identify your motivating factors. Are these motivations intrinsic or extrinsic?

Self-determined individuals, with intrinsic motivations, will go more naturally towards agile organizations, X.0, where autonomy is strong. It will only take one to hire a whole team. On the other hand, in the absence of a self-determined profile, the team may find itself suffering continuously trying to validate its actions, or limit its commitments.

The moving-motivators have therefore naturally come to enrich the toolbox of Agile managers, in companies seeking the development of team autonomy.

It could also be used in psycho-social risk research and identifying people under stress. A usually committed individual who goes from a phase of intrinsic motivation to apathy may show signs of burnout …

Self-determination exercises

To develop your individual potential, your Mago, personal magician

Author: Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.