Publication of the management book Dominique POPIOLEK-OLLÉ Manager autrement

Discover my book : Manager Autrement

  • What meaning do we give to life?
  • Are our habits irremediable?
  • Is our organisations frozen in place?

Let’s stop for a while and take a look at our life before we start again.

Due to the magnitude of the crisis, organizations are forced to question themselves

  • Will our models become obsolete?
  • Doesn’t the company have to transform itself?

It is certain that the pandemic has triggered new thinking. We are at the dawn of a revolution in the way we work, highlighting the limits of certain models and inviting many companies to question the relevance of their working methods.

If it is still a little early to know if this will have long term impacts on our way of working and conceiving the company, Manager autrement will lay the foundations of a cosmogony, inviting the manager to decide in conscience towards which company he would like to evolve.

This book is intended for all managers who wish to understand the evolution of organizational models in order to approach a new conception of the company, and to reconcile work with the deep aspirations of each individual within the team.

The reader is invited to position himself as an actor in an organizational system, as a team leader and then as an individual in order to progressively build the organizational culture of an open system integrating the bases of a social harmony of which he will be the guardian.

Manager autrement is also a commitment: the manager remains and will remain, as organizations change, a guide, a strategist, a leader to accompany teams towards greater autonomy in a rapidly changing world.

The book is composed of

The book is composed of a set of resources to accompany the manager in his change of posture and of an approach: RESTE, a proposal to Slow down – Listen – Support – Transmit – Evolve at your disposal to explore in your context.