Infinity Risk, the game
Lead your teams to victory, make your decisions to set up an evolutionary culture, based on learning processes by simulating organizational changes with Infinity Risk
Infinity Risk, what is it?
Risk is a board game where the goal of the game is to carry out strategies to conquer new territories by moving its regiments.
In business, changing the organization, the culture to establish a customer culture or even lead a digital transformation is difficult to model.
By taking up the principle of the Risk board game, Infinity Risk makes it possible to simulate in a schematic view of the world the impacts of team travel and to promote reconciliations in order to meet a business objective or ambition.
Infinity Risk thus makes it possible to visualize the impacts of an Agile or digital transformation but also to organize the delivery of value, to weigh the decisions in Infinity risk before creating the new bases of your adaptive culture.

Infinity Risk : a strategic mission
Your mission in Infinity Risk is to cover the entire territory to achieve your ambition and promote the autonomous intentions of the teams.
Infinity risk, the game allows you to decide when to stop, the fallow of territories, alliances, the criteria of failure, of success… Infinity Risk allows you to experiment your rhythm of delivery and to test your processes before implementing a new learning organization.
Infinity Risk is a game to establish your strategic management and visualize the impact with your harmonics.
Harmonics are the representation of teams in Infinity Risk.
Will you be Infinity enablers? But are you enough to cultivate and reap the rewards? The decisions are yours!
Where can you find Infinity Risk?
Request the downloadable version from the Infinity Guide website.
The digital version will be carried out on i-obeya in our Ago Trans-formations. The digital version of Infinity Risk will also allow you to plan actions, simulate decision making in planning poker and generate concrete actions to verify everyone’s commitment to pursue the path of change.
Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.