Business Coaching is dedicated to management teams to implement coherent strategic management, to your operational teams to deliver business value with high added value, develop a pleasant workspace, while promoting innovation and a spirit of a team.

The particularity of systemic coaching is based on a totally inclusive principle in which the systemic coach sees himself as a participative observer intimately involved in the context provided by the client.

Executive coaching, business offer

Being supported in your strategic management by a professional coach will allow you to take a step back, to visualize your points of resilience and those of your company.

The systemic coaching approach consists of exploring and advancing together with you in order to develop together, by creating the foundations of a solid ecosystem in which the client company and its coach “merge in an almost identical way”.

Team coaching and Agile coaching

The organization of a company is a system. Supporting the members of strategic management allows you to take a step back and put your teams into action.

Team support helps align strategic ambitions and implementation. Team coaching facilitates the implementation of the intentions of achievement, to focus and coordinate the action to move towards the ambition of the company.

The objective of Team Coaching is to boost the autonomy of the team to solve their problems together and achieve their common goals.

For the team, in confidence, to deploy its potential, it must feel supported by management. Routines and product demonstrations allow you to generate a regular event for the regular so that management and customers can see the progress of the team without having to intervene on the how.

The team has significant resources, each member brings his skills and experience within the group. Team Coaching allows the group to take a step back and add up their skills through a positive confrontation and the implementation of their emotional intelligence. In synergy, everyone releases their creative potential, their emotions and contributes to the performance of the team.

The team becomes aware of its functioning and identifies its strengths and areas for improvement to find the solutions to be put in place to transform itself, overcome its problems and achieve its objectives.

In Imago uses metaphors, game coaching, systemic approaches, breathing, emotional intelligence, and professional coaching for tailor-made support.

The In Imago approach

In Imago has designed its offer based on feedback from supporting change and transforming organizations, Agile at Scale and Lean Management. The organization is a complex system where each individual brings his skills to the achievement and implementation of change.

The system requires group energy, individual motivations and strategic management to be aligned.

From executive coaching to game coaching, a systemic approach to the organization

This is why In Imago supports you from executive coaching to deployment in the organization, in an adaptive and systemic approach to the organization.

3 pillars and a program

1- individual development, of his personal Magician- Mago

2- team development- Intensio

3- transformation at scale and strategic management- Extensio

4- A tailor-made Ago training program

The coaching respects the code of ethics of professional coaching and in particular that of the ICF.

Tailor-made support wherever your context takes us.

ll s’agit de donner l’initiative au terrain, à l’individu pour faire émerger une intelligence émotionnelle et collective. Il s’agit en quelque sorte d’une base de connaissance ” légitime ” propulsée par la pratique, les succès opérationnels et les savoir-faire reconnus par le collectif.

Ces initiatives, souvent en parallèle des organisations, donnent naissance à de nouveaux modèles d’organisations, d’adaptations et de leadership au sein de l’organisation.

The support can be enriched with digital coaching, customer culture coaching. It’s a way to approach digital transformation with a professional coach, who will bring you perspective and understanding of digital issues.

It is also an opportunity for the company to build its tailor-made Trans’Formation course in order to support and train its employees according to its context and its needs in the spirit of developing a learning corporate culture. .

« You said culture » is a stroll through the corporate culture of yesterday and today. It is a prospective in which strategic management, ecosystems, know-how and good ideas are (re)visited. Organization, DNA, and even a simple organizational chart says a lot about your production processes. Being coached offers you a precious mirror to evolve, and to set your organization in motion.

Set up a customer journey, create a link in your organization, team coaching associated with a tailor-made Trans’Formations program, can support you there and allow you to spread the bases of an internal customer Culture client

Performance 2022

Espaces de formations

Accès aux personnes à mobilité réduite

En cas de handicap nous contacter

Chacun des modules proposés pourra être complété d’une certification professionnelle

Des programmes d’entraînement à la certification vous sont proposés pour vous accompagner dans la préparation de vos certifications.

Les consignes sanitaires en vigueur sont respectées

Discover our expertise in strategic management, customer culture and business transformation

Opt for a Cultural Transformation to develop your full commercial potential, to set up your strategic management and deploy an operational strategy based on value.

Recognized expertise: executive coaching; change management; operational team coaching; strategic management; customer culture; Agile values; game coaching;

It is an interactive coaching. Engaging. Concrete . Experimental: getting you moving, changing your perception of change and resilience.

Access resources

Discover the In Imago approach in the analysis of the Agile Manifesto according to 3 focuses: Intensio, Mago, Extensio

Psst, feedback to discover corporate coaching from the inside

Find the different managerial models, express yours!

The Trans-Formations space is accessible by simple subscription and gives you access to:

  • to the training courses Discovery
  • to private content Coach-Transform
  • to the Universes: Agile and Coaching

Systemic coaching, Executive coaching in Center Val de Loire, Orléans, Blois, Tours, Nantes, Bordeaux. Interventions Axis Paris-Bordeaux, and International trips.