The systemic constellation is a way of managing interactions between individuals, thus facilitating communication in teams. It is a powerful conflict resolution tool that finds its source in the theory of Bert Hellinger, the founding father of family constellations.
Systemic constellation: what for?
This helps to highlight the different systems in action in an organization. A system is a set:
- dynamic interactions,
- organized according to a purpose,
- exhibiting properties of autonomy, consistency, permanence.
The systemic constellation makes it possible to visualize in 3D, in real time, the interweaving of the systems between them. It facilitates awareness between the different actors of the ambiguities existing between people, processes, notions or concepts …
What does an organizational constellations workshop consist of?
A workshop consists of presenting your situation to bring out the main actors. The actors will be represented by people chosen from among the participants or symbolized by a post-it.
The situation puts to work the bearer of the situation, as well as the participants, witnesses of the 3D visualization of the situation.
The scenario allows to highlight a point of transformation and to live it.
During the time of the constellation, the “representatives” share without intention, without interpretation what they perceive – emotions and sensations – while letting the spontaneous movements they feel express themselves.
An asset for changing, and turn off
Putting your organization in motion, generating lasting change, promoting the development of everyone, while guaranteeing the otherness of the system is the challenge of strategic management.
Facing complexity, navigating troubled waters, giving meaning, creating …, setting up innovative organizations, being yourself, are all possibilities that the organizational constellation offers. Spontaneous movements bring about changes and foster the emergence of a new way of working together.
Bring out the bases of an organic management
Organic management is based on a postulate of otherness where the question of the I and the We is constantly raised, thus challenging our ability to adapt to our environment.
Marie Hélène Strauss and Eric Julien, in their book The Choice of the organic management, enumerate 9 principles to copy in order to manage and live in harmony: Otherness, Interdependence, Meaning, Communication, Values, Framework, Creativity, Time, Memory.
Maintaining the dynamics of your organization, developing systems, producing, giving meaning are all questions that the systemic constellation can lead you to resolve … Try it!