The hapiness is everywhere, and also in our company

In response to the article by Julia de Funes Happiness in business is nonsense“, I say that happiness is everywhere including business.

First of all, what is happiness? Happiness is a pleasant, balanced and lasting emotional state in which one finds someone who feels he has achieved the satisfaction of the aspirations and desires that he deems important.

So when I feel at home in the office, that working together with teams makes sense and that together we work for a common goal, I am happy.

Generations Y and Z are our managers of tomorrow. Not only, they dreamed that the game will be part of our lives, that AI will relieve us of our tedious tasks, and have decreed happiness at work. And why not ?

In taking up the above definition of happiness, I will add that, in general, today’s applications, current connected objects and tomorrow’s AIs have, in a sense, a virtuous mission, that of making collective happiness accessible. to all.

So why does the generation X, spend its time questioning the benevolent initiatives where forms of games, passions will be at the heart of the companies of the future.

About ten years ago, I was in charge of deploying lean in a big company. My first mission was to reconcile union and employers, employees and collaborative tools by simplifying bureaucracy. The bureaucracy ultimately hid a deeper evil, the loss of market and loss of meaning associated with the business.

Should the boat sink to let employees take care of their daily business and work together towards a new course.

By restoring the pleasure of collaborating and creating together the markets of tomorrow, employees find pleasure in being together again. The game, the serious games challenged by Julia de Funes and Nicolas Bouzou in their book (In) human comedy allowed me to let go and facilitate the emergence of a positive confrontation with teams that I accompanied.

Of course, foosball and sofas, the Chief hapiness officer in big companies are sometimes a clumsy sign to say I hear you. Let’s face it, the game is a tool like any other. It restores the smile as soon as it is used, not to infantilize but to reconnect with its creativity. This creativity associated with that of his colleague, becomes a source of innovation.

And in this case, the pleasure of meeting with colleagues becomes one of the axioms of happiness. Altruistic enterprises, the societal economy, and long before sociocratic or liberated enterprises, even communism in its ideological form work for a better society. Let us accompany this transformation and put us, the elderly, the grumpy and the wise in the service of this happiness for all.

Intergenerational collaboration, by adding together the dream of current generations and our knowledge of productions, would be better employed than a quarrel over the concepts and the interest of a system that can not wait to be reformed. Let us serve Common Sense and let’s take the Challenge of Happiness everywhere!

Read also: Why employees like Scrum and not bosses

And Agile and Scrum daily life

or the 4 levers of your business transformation