Leading your business life!

an essential game-coaching tool: Leading your life

 Celine Cazé’s game, Leading your life, is a pearl for the animation of your teams, facilitating problem solving and fostering efficient team autonomy!

1- Break the ice with Leading your business life

Each team member randomly chooses a road sign. While walking, the members of the team 2 by 2 exchanges on their interpretation of the signage in their professional context.

There are as many variations as your imagination will allow you.

2- Identify a sticking point with Leading your business life


Team members draw a card representing a problem encountered in the past that deserves the team’s attention. Everyone comments in turn.

For the current issue, the team members together choose a panel (among the 48 cards) that best represents the situation. Everyone explains why this choice is made, then the team members choose two cards in order to co-construct solutions.The members of the team make a final draw to build the Future together. Everyone has a signage card, which everyone comments on in turn.

Then each member of the team draws at random a road sign representing the present, and comments on it in turn.

The cards thus collected by each and the object of a personal metaphor, shed light on the life of the project on its past, present and future.

They redo a draw to build the Future together. Everyone has a signage card, which everyone comments on in turn

The cards thus collected by each and the object of a personal metaphor, illuminate the life of the project on its past, the present and the future.

The team then takes the different cards step by step after having taken care to come up with a summary sentence specifying the stake to be achieved for the team.

The team together validates the Auto Challenge that they set for themselves within 3 days to resolve the sticking point.

3- Solve a problem with Leading my business life

The problem is posed by the team and the stake is defined at the start of the game. The team then performs the steps described previously in identifying a sticking point.

4- Agile retrospective

The Leading my life in business game can be used at the end of the sprint to select the improvement action to embark on.

Author: Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago management consulting and disruptive transformation.