C.I.D.s : Part 1 : The 4 levers for the success of your business transformation

The 4 levers for the success of your business transformation are:

1- Courage C.I.D.s- the 4 business transformation levers

2- Intuition

3- Defi   as Challenge

4- Sens commun as Common sense


In my article ” the oscillating ball, I concluded with

“Arm us with courage. Managers, you’re almost there .”-DPopiolek-Olle

and this is the one way to succeed.

The 4 levers of your business transformation- Part 1- Individual motivation

The key success of your business transformation is to have good teams-players. The key success factors are to lead them with autonomy and common sense.

So firstly, you have to activate an individual motivation to succeed in implementing a good team-spirit and a continuous improvement inside the team. Then transform your business model into an adaptative culture.

The C.I.D.s is the way to generate a continuous improvement to activate your personal magician, your Mago. into action and lets him fly to the imago.  It’s 4 levers to maintain individuals’ motivation and generate emotional intelligence inside the team.

C.I.D.s is the acronymous of Courage, Intuition, Defi, sens commun.


Courage is the first of the four levers that will bring managers throughout the transformation of organizations. It is the armed arm of the will: the will to act, to put into action.

To act finds its Latin origin in ago. Ago takes all its meaning in the accomplishment of an action or even of oneself. Ago gave birth to many words such as agile, pedagogy, Mago, or imago.

This time, is the primary impulse that soon (see before) the youngest age, leads us to do: to stand up, walk, express ourselves, oppose us, engage us. It finds his ultimate success in realizing it, realizing himself. First, it puts our personal magician, our Mago, into action and lets him fly to the imago. Imago to affirm himself to everyone.

Throughout our personal development from – Ago to Mago to Imago, the caring partner of our actions is the courage mingling clothing and heart. It’s the courage to face greater than oneself to move and discover the world. By definitively adopting the courage, our self will be able to develop without fear of the judgment of others.

Courage will naturally take us beyond our comfort zones. It will take us to the borders of our dreams and invite us to surpass ourselves.

Here will be born our leadership. Our dreams will become the source of our commitment, of life, and motivation for those around us. As a child, mimicry will invite others to join us. The pleasure of doing will follow and give birth to doing together, which in turn will fertilize usability. The conviviality will reinforce our courage and our ability to take / accompany our ideas to their achievements.

“All alone, we go faster. Together we go further “- African proverb

In this quote the courage is in the background to go quickly and to confront others. It will support us to overcome the fear of deceiving us, hurting others, failing or even better grow by giving us the strength to learn from others, our mistakes. Courage brings us to the doors of success. The success will be total, as soon as it will be shared: “Together, we go further”. This collective will bring us well beyond all our dreams. The collective commitment will turn ideas into collective success.

The collective commitment will be dealt with in part 2- The collective commitment

2- Intuition

If courage is our partner, intuition is our guide. It gives us the innocent and obvious faith of all the stages of our project.

Without this guide, the desilusion awaits us because everyone will find around us a word to make us give up, thus fueling our fear of tomorrow and taking us back to the path traced by others, leaving our illusions on the side of the road and a little of our child’s soul.

To avoid being stopped by the words of others, let’s return to our intuition. It will strengthen our will and our choices.

Intuition is linked to our heart, like courage. It is the immediate sight nested in our perceptions, our intelligence of the heart. By listening to our intuitions, we give back to our heart, which infallibly rhythms our life, carries our breath. The heart that we do not even hear beating so much it knows how to be discreet.

By listening to our intuitions, we give back to our heart. And at the same time, the heart will allow us to listen – to hear others. It will offer us empathy, compassion which is the intuitive understanding of the needs of others. The heart will fuel our discussions and bring us to positive confrontations where the addition of the values and strengths of each will express common sense.

Intuition is the voice of the heart where the guide expresses himself. It will hatch the collective commitment and make the project possible.

3-  Defi as Challenge

The challenge is to overcome our fears, to believe in our dreams or rather our intuitions. Challenge met! It is made possible by the eyes of others. It is sublimated by the forces ready to go with us. It comes in turn to fuel our dream, our scope of possibilities by providing innovative and concrete solutions through the contribution of complementary skills provided by others.

The challenge is our left arm, the arm of honor that offers its support to the armed arm represented by courage.

The challenge brings the spice and prevents the routine to settle, and thus avoids the weakening of the will. That’s why the win and rage that comes with the challenge is used in video games. Games bring challenges on a board and feed our in-lives of success without us having to get out of our chair (Geek of course!).

The challenge is our fuel. It allows the necessary accelerations and risk taking. It propels us to the top and, brings us satisfaction with these words: it is you who does it! You did it !. Pride and hat down.

These words will feed our personal satisfaction and may thanks to the collective, can be used as an example. This example will then feed the spirits and give others the courage to try.

4- Sens Commun as Common sense

The challenge is a sprint that will give full meaning to our project. Indeed, as long as our Mago is the sole bearer of this intuition, it helps to develop our potential but it is difficult for us to give common sense to our project. We can say: “I have a dream …” which can be shared with those who already like us have a similar idea. But common sense will be born after realization of our first challenge. The challenge consolidates the action and makes it demonstrable. It is then that common sense takes the name of vision: Videre. Videre takes its meaning in going to see, witnessing …

Common sense is then the catalyser of the Trans’Formation Ago.

“I saw, I knew, I conquered …”- D.Popiolek-Ollé

Author: Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago management consulting and disruptive transformation.