IN IMAGO Starter#4 Positive culture
The question of authority is found everywhere: in the family, political, in the work sector… However, it would no longer be popular and would often be called into question, because it is associated with domination and abuse. . Is authority the necessary condition of any form of society? Is it urgent, not to restore it, but to reinvent it?
Bond of subordination and relationship to work are key questions and a way of rethinking one’s culture. Without however inviting frenzied optimism,a positive culture gives faith in the collective and in the encounter. It is a way of reviewing one’s relationship to authority, one’s relationship to the team and one’s relationship to oneself.
In any case, employees dream of having an ideal job, a golden boss, wonderful colleagues, all within an extraordinary company.
A healthy atmosphere in a healthy context!
Bosses dream of having successful, creative, involved, motivated, autonomous, responsible employees.
We are all part of a natural ecosystem in full mutation, do not seek to overcome nature to subject it to outdated laws.
We belong to this nature, we know how to sustainably develop our wealth with intelligence and creativity.
Positive culture : towards a natural flow
Flow is a state of consciousness that generates well-being, happiness and performance.
In this state, the subject is totally immersed in an activity for which his psychological engines, his intrinsic skills are expressed and at the same time find an answer, are nourished, enriched.
This situation provokes a feeling of accomplishment and serenity.
Which team wins because only the processes and/or the technology are at the top?
It is a complete alchemy of interactions between individuals and the company that makes the difference. Of course, the activity and the understanding of the company’s strategy are key in mobilization. But there is also :
- A balance to be developed between the challenge represented by the activity and the skills of each member of the team.
Organize a positive culture
The activity constitutes a positive challenge when the team, beyond the results, the figures, the ratios, and the productivity, the richness released by the interactions between individuals is encouraged to become a source of satisfaction at all levels. of the company. The human being is at the center of the processes, at the heart of systemic intelligence.
Emotional intelligence becomes the source of change, and constant smooth adaptation enables coping with a VUCA world.
To forget the human dimension would be like wanting to coach without taking into account the mentality of the team and the psychological factors of success. If only the process is sought in performance, then let’s move immediately to a digital company where robots perform framed and repetitive tasks. Forget the human!
Are managers trained to manage their human resources, to put them in favorable conditions, to ensure the development of human wealth without which there can be no material wealth?
To organize this culture:
- Make sure the intention is shared and common to all. A team spirit is not necessary!
- Give collective time to focus on it
- Support and encourage initiatives
- Arbitrate conflicts without taking sides
Positive culture : exercises
Individual exercise
Dedicate 15 minutes today to your thoughts
Sit in a quiet place, identify the ideas that run through your head. Close your eyes and start turning the theme around to see it from a constructive perspective. Imagine the situation, situate the scene, how do you feel and how others react. Write down your ideas on paper if necessary. After the 15 minutes are up, leave those thoughts in a box and forget about them.
Team exercise
The 3 essential ingredients to build a positive work environment are: Empathy, Unity, Enthusiasm.
It brings people together in an authentic way and spreads a positive and contagious energy.
- At your next team meeting, invite each member of the team to choose one of the ingredients, without confronting it with the others.
- Offer them, at their own pace, to stage in perfect autonomy, in small groups, the situation they would like to experience so that this ingredient becomes a basic element for the team.
- Let live and lead by example, regularly.
Positive culture : create symbiosis
It means implicitly organizing the production of reciprocal benefits between the various heterogeneous interactions of the company, its market and its complex environment: employees, customers, suppliers, processes, strategic management, etc.
The consequences of the power of symbiosis are none other than a systemic effect of development of human and material wealth in which everyone enters into symbiosis with their activity and their Being, with their environment and the objectives set.
Implement a positive culture
Establishing a positive dynamic is based on a shared conviction that it makes teams more effective. Sometimes under pressure, many managers focus on the short term and forget the relational factor in the long-term impact on commitment and motivation. Once the management team is convinced of the superiority of the positive dynamic, the time and space must be given for this to develop on a daily basis.
Classic way:
The company will seek:
- Strengthen employee engagement
- Increase employee retention rate
- Offer flexible working hours, hybrid work
- Improve communication with employees
- Develop a strong employer brand
by deploying concepts of well-being at work without calling into question its relationship to the individual performance objective. This will create a dissonance between the objectives set and the symbiosis sought.
Intuitive way:
Empower your managers to
- Build a unifying vision
- Practice authentic management
- Encourage initiative and learning
- Capitalize on relational skills
- Foster collaboration
- Value the efforts of the team and give up individual objectives!
Incentives and team building are of no use if they are not a daily reality… Managers, it’s up to you!
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