Emotions accompany us from an early age and are our first mode of expression. It is therefore a language. It is this language that allows us to dialogue and make ourselves understood by our parents.
By rehabilitating our emotions in our daily life, it is our Mago, personal magician that we release.
In the film Inside Out, directed by Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen, emotions take center stage. They are presented in a dialogue with oneself.
Emotions in Vice-Versa
Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger and Sadness …. These are the names given to the heroes of the film Inside Out, from Pixar studios. In Vice Versa, these emotions are indeed small characters that roam the minds of humans.
Those of Riley, a little girl fan of ice hockey and reckless heroine of the film, are particularly upset when her parents decide to move to live in San Francisco.
1- Joy and her yellow dress (Charlotte Le Bon in French) tries to keep her eternal optimism,
2- Fear and his red bow tie (Pierre Niney), dreads the discovery of his new classmates
3- Disgust (Mélanie Laurent), all in green, finds the streets of this hostile city particularly dirty,
4- Anger (Gilles “the red” Lellouche) resents his parents
5- Sadness, blue like the blues (Marilou Berry), lets herself be overwhelmed by depression – all in exaggeration, collapse, big tears at the slightest opportunity and a cloud of rain overhead.
Let’s stop classifying emotions
Vice-Versa interpret emotions and invite them to dialogue. They are each in their role.
Why discriminate between emotions: negative, positive – they are simply necessary for our balance.
Let’s be rather curious about them. When an emotion arises, let’s question it. It has everything to teach us about ourselves and others.
Let us take 3 minutes for ourselves, each time we are crossed by an emotion. It brings us to the present to position ourselves in front of a situation in a given context. It is a permanent invitation to assess the issues that are available to us.
Will we choose the path of opportunity or will we decide to follow the path of nostalgia?
Emotions what are they for?
Emotions accompany us from an early age. they are our first mode of expression. It is therefore a language. It is this language that allows us to dialogue and make ourselves understood by our parents.
Language that we bury deep within ourselves as we grow older. And yet it is an ingenious language to take the temperature and understand what is wrong with a situation that presents itself to us.
There are no bad or good emotions. These are reactions, indicators to respect to feel in harmony with oneself.
It is also as a team, in a group, in a community, an extraordinary tool to respect in order to better understand each other.
Emotions: the compass of our life
Emotions are our compass, our map of the world. They are what lead us to go towards or reject some things that frighten us. They show us the way to self-determination.
Elles sont un outils en nous, toujours là pour nous ramener à l’instant présent. Instant précieux pour comprendre ce qui se trame en nous mais aussi autour de nous. Parfois, elle se dégrade si nous ne l’écoutons pas. Son autodétermination est déréglée et il recherche alors à l’extérieur ce qu’il ne trouve plus, nous emmenant vers l’ennui profond, l’apathie ou la dépression…
They are a tool in us, always there to bring us back to the present moment. Precious moment to understand what is going on in us but also around us. Sometimes it goes downhill if we don’t listen to it. His self-determination is disrupted and he then searches outside for what he can no longer find, leading us to deep boredom, apathy or depression …
In Imago, a return to oneself, I propose a journey through fear, shame, loneliness, boredom. A journey that was a way for me to grow.
And for you, what emotions made you grow up?
Want to practice, so here are 4 exercises to be complicit with your emotions.
Author: Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.