French companies are struggling to transform, narrow-minded by the sacrosanct French pride, a little bit too paternalistic, they do not bother to integrate a customer culture, or even Agile values. And yet,
The X.0 company is at our doorstep. The digital transformation and the world of work are very present in our daily life, bringing about in-depth changes in strategic management, corporate values and culture, as well as in the organization of work.
While some people wonder why digital?
I know how to do and we have always done that way, grumble our autocratic managers. Test before putting on sale. What an heresy!
Digital, I have a website and my employees know our products perfectly. These products are of good quality and they sell very well.
These arguments are those I hear on a daily basis in the transformations that I support in large groups. But also when I approach SMEs … But change is long overdue.
However, some companies, large companies, share a portable computer for 3 employees during confinement. Well yes, mobility is for others.
Are others designing business models for tomorrow?
Digital transformation is shaking up habits. Simplifying processes through the introduction of digital and a shorter value chain:
Digital transformation, Industry 4.0, Digital Factory, Industry X.0, Enterprise X.0. The transformation is XXL.
Accenture takes on its behalf the book by Eric Schaeffer Industrie X.0 and proposes to Combine digital tools to Conquer new markets. Advanced technologies are put to the service of companies.
The aim is to boost the value chain from engineering to manufacturing products & services. This helps accelerate operational efficiency and business growth by reinventing products and services.
The promise of the X.0 company
The transformation will be personalized by training the X.0 company to experiment, to pivot using technological combinations. It is the advent of AR / VR *, big data, machine learning, IIOT **, RPA *** …
A promise to find new innovative business models to generate new sources of income …
*AR/VR : Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality; ** IIOT :Industrial Internet of things et le ***RPA, le Robotic Process Automatisation
It is indeed the industry that we are talking about to simplify the tasks and make them accessible to robots thus drawing the inexorable contours of an Industry X.0.
A way of reviving partnerships between large groups and start-ups suddenly stopped by COVID or a clever way of reviving business between large companies by leaving the independents behind, and absorbing innovative start-ups.
The X.0 company: digital and human?
However, at the same time, a cooperative world is emerging where open source companies will cooperate at the global level to reduce consumption and global warming.
They propose to reverse access to finance by mobilizing each of us to invest in companies driven by value. Time for the Planet, is launching the largest public fundraiser since perhaps the financing of major works like Eurotunnel or the Suez Canal …
.Self-employed entrepreneurs, VSEs and SMEs are reinventing themselves by joining hands to create an open labor market, which makes sense and respects man and nature.
Companies are reinventing themselves in the present, integrating digital technology into their daily lives, seeking to implement appropriate ethics. Managerial models evolve, inventing a lively, organic and harmonious management, an X.0 management
Is there any opposition between industry X.0 and the ideal company?
No. We are simply witnessing a shift towards renewal. Perhaps these robots, by shifting our gaze towards them, offer us the possibility of loving ourselves better, of uniting ourselves by promoting the emergence of a diversity, of a multiple energy.
By legislating to offer robots an identity, we are giving each of us an opportunity to reconcile.
Let’s take it and join hands for a meaningful X.0 company! We are facing the emergence of Harmocracy, let’s rejoice!
Author: Dominique Popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.