Collective Aura : the ability to give

Collective Aura : the ability to give

The collective aura, the atmosphere that surrounds a group, sets in motion a collective unconscious, sometimes generating spontaneous movements. Some will emerge as part of great structural changes, when the ability to give is activated by a group of individuals, thus pushing boundaries and corporate culture to establish new rules.

Collective soul: group image

Corporate communication, translated into their culture, carries meaning and values. It conveys notoriety and principle. Through the communication of its culture, the company attracts people who look like it. @Ellen Ensab, in a mini video, shows the mirror and its reverse … Corporate communication today is decoded and will pass the filter of our emotions or not. The ethics and authenticity of a brand, of a corporate culture will be revisited and will be the subject of its e-reputation. As does here in her video, Ellen Ensab showing the reflection in the mirror. What is hiding behind a mirror? what do we want to see or hear? The coach is the mirror of our convictions, our emotions and sends us back by powerful questions to ourselves. Do we dare to observe and understand our personal motivations and dare to see how in a group we interact.

Secondary imago

WELCOME – In imago : Transformation Leader, Agile Coach & Motivational Coach (

Collective unconscious

This collective soul conveys our secondary Imago, and represents The collective unconscious is a concept of analytical psychology endeavoring to designate the human functions linked to the imagination, common or shared, whatever the times and places, and which influence and condition individual and collective representations. Companies in all their representations are carriers of a collective unconscious which in a way dictates group behavior. An atmosphere emerges, and halos the mark of a certain atmosphere.

Organization chart and interactions

There is no point in attempting a profound transformation of an organizational system by the application of a methodology. The organization is the mirror of the interactions between the stakeholders. The flowchart establishes the “immutable” rules from the exchange of information to the manufacturing process, from data management to decision-making power. Traditionally an organization is a system organized according to the definition below. A company tries to master the system by adding an organization chart and a set of responsibilities often disconnected with the needs of the system.
A system is a set :
  • dynamic interactions,
  • organized according to a purpose,
  • exhibiting properties of autonomy, consistency, permanence
An organization chart is a schematic representation:
  • functional relationships,
  • organizational and hierarchical links that exist between the elements and individuals of an organization.
The system is free, fluid. The organization chart constrains it making any attempt at transformation futile. The human being jostled in his roles, in his tasks, in his values, is exhausted and his cognitive load becomes such that he rejects any evolution of his mode of functioning. The human in turn marks the organization of an aura that will engrave the organization chart in the acquired reflexes of the company, thus marking the culture of a company: a kind of markers of emotions.

The markers of emotions

The markers of emotions are carriers of energy, volatile and contagious. They contribute to the proper functioning of our emotional intelligence. In a group, our thoughts, our convictions, our confidence or our doubts carry meaning and act as markers of emotions in the places where the group interacts. It is in this sense that corporate culture becomes a marker of emotions. It represents the identity of a company and brings together meaning, values, commitments. It attracts to itself profiles and behaviors that look like it, thus generating a collective soul.

Identify markers

  • When you enter a public place, a church for example, feel the place. The fervor of the place seems to live and resonate.
  • When you are among friends, a form of understanding current seems to connect the group.
  • At work, a team accustomed to coordination is proving extremely effective while the newly created group will first seek to find something in common, and get together.
  • If you enter a group that a conflict opposes or face a challenge that it does not understand, as the coach you will often be taken as a witness. Then the group’s wait will be external. The team expects from the coach a solution, a method to get them out of a hostile environment.
In Part 1, on the Collective Aura, in each example, the collective soul of the group drives the movement. The first group shows a superiority complex and the second is fed up with an entanglement. It tints the change actions that are taken with a certain aura.

The ability to give

A company on the move, benevolent opts for a lively management, and an adaptive culture. Management engages and facilitates the emergence of projects. Innovation is present everywhere, even at the organizational level. This case is all seems quite rare. Companies want to transform and yet remain trapped in their processes. Sometimes a swinging ball is missing for change to take place. In the transformations that I coached, I have been struck by the selflessness of those who embody change, especially those who believe in the transformation, especially “agile” of the company for the human principles it embodies. Indeed, before being a fashionable concept, the Agile values released in 2001 by 17 developers in the Agile Manifesto, were adopted by Millennials (Generation Y). It advocates, experiments, tests new forms of management. This generation claims the right to dream. This dream allows them to push the organizations to mutate, and to transform: “okay, if the roles are distributed, let’s change them”, or “if the access to the customer is reserved and well let’s invent other forms of contact with the customer”. It challenges by the why all the established rules. During the years 2008 to 2015, I witnessed and supported the emergence of a field agility: the desire to do “differently” rather than being passive or over-reacting, co-build rather than follow rules that we do not understand (let’s challenge it is that way!). Millennials have opened the breaches of an inexorable change. Scientific and computer advances, the internet and the mobile phone, make the impossible possible. Connected objects, robotics conceived in the 70s and immortalized in the 80’s by “Back to the Future” and other films once considered science-fiction, give birth to a 21st century of convergence between human-being and machine. Now backtracking is impossible, the Future is on the way. Some will talk about “uberisation”. I will talk about liberation. The liberation of “conformism”, the questioning of it is like that. * THE opportunity to live here and now, to be an actor of his life without undergoing the rules of others. THE opportunity to be oneself in a harmonious world. Millennials have generated a world of video games, which has become an admittedly increased reality: where the bionic man will move by autonomous car and the airspace will be released soon with the arrival of individual air transport. Millennials continue to push the lines of overstretched organizations. They are growing in a better world where well-being at work is possible. They give their hours, their time, their passion as Generation X, except that their energy is focused on moving the lines and embarking Generation X, in major reforms.  They are the catalyst for major reforms. Generation Z, the zappers, takes hold of what in the moment gives it immediate satisfaction. It validates and accelerates the movement launched by the Millennials. Millennials with their claim of the right to dream give room to humans dehumanized by industrialization by offering in front of a R.O.I. (return of investment) a work-home balance. I salute here all those that I coached mostly the Millennials. They carry this desire, to give to surpass themselves so that the world changes and adapts. They embody for the majority a desire to give, to change because it is vital … Agile for me carries this current, and leads with the Millenials, a collective aura inviting to immediate changes. The bio and the social economy are two other examples. The atmosphere carries an energy of change to seize. We will do it individually and together, if we wish, a happy world.

Support your transformations

To go further and permanently modify interactions, I suggest you test the systematic constellations that will extend you in a living experience of your team relationships, and allow you to adjust your organization chart according to the goal you want to achieve. In 2019, A Group of Unicorns proposes to address this organizational resistance by reversing Conway’s law. Melvin Conway observed that the communication structures of humans directly influence the design of an organization’s technical systems. In short: the organization chart of the company and the interpersonal relationships between actors have more influence than designers and architects! You can access the ebook here

Go beyond your beliefs !

*note: previous centuries have also reviewed certain dogmatisms giving life to a round earth rather than flat, or again reviewing the rules of physics with relativity, etc … But each time, these discoveries are attributed to a scientist. Here, in the quantum age, it is an entire generation that carries a multiple and global movement. Each of us carries unlimited power when we see what we believe. See also :  Beyond our sensory boundaries of LAURENS VADDELI, where the AI allows us to perceive our sensorial interactions. Point of view on what the Millenials and the Generation Z say, survey 2019 Author: Dominique popiolek-Ollé, Transmutation leader, Agile Executive Coach, Founder of In Imago, management consulting and disruptive transformation.